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We know for some organisations candidates are treated like a resource. Online recruitment has made gathering new applicants for your vacancy as easy as ordering paper for the photocopier. We truly believe that you are only going to hire the best people by delivering a great candidate experience to all candidates. With this in mind, we wanted to list out our commitments to you if you decide you want to apply to work with hireful.

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  • All applicants will receive initial feedback as to whether their application is potentially relevant for the position within 3 working days of applying. 
  • We will reply to all candidate enquiries within 2 working days. 
A ticked form

shortlisting & interviewing.

  • All interviewees will have the chance to anonymously provide their feedback on their interview experience, via our post-interview survey.
  • This survey feedback is regularly reviewed and acted upon.
  • All our hiring managers are trained in unconscious bias. This helps to minimize the effects of bias on the decision making process. 
  • We believe in helping candidates prepare for interview and your interview email will include all the relevant links to help you complete your pre-interview research on hireful. 
  • Many organisations hide behind feedback such as “you were just pipped at the post by a stronger candidate”. We will endeavour to provide “honest feedback” at interview, which will pinpoint areas where you can look to improve for future interviews. 
A signed piece of paper

offers & onboarding.

  • 80% of offers will be made within 5 days of the interview process (for all candidates) being concluded. 
  • All candidates who accept an offer to work for hireful will be added to our onboarding system. This will ensure they have easy access to all the information they need prior to starting and will also have access to their new manager to maintain contact, answer any questions and ensure that they are ready to start on their first day.